3 Reasons Why You Should Try Training Barefoot
A supportive pair of shoes is the first item on most lists of essential workout gear, so how did barefoot training become popular? Look down and around, and you’re bound to see people doing all manner of fitness — from de
7 Facts About Valentine's Day Chocolates
Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy one of the most universally beloved sweets: chocolate. If you’re being mindful of your diet, you don’t have to abstain completely. However, going overboard can have consequ
Create Your Perfect Fitness Plan To Build Muscle
Building muscle, also known as hypertrophy, is often seen as a way to improve your appearance. While it is true that muscle growth enhances how you look, the benefits are more than just aesthetics. Increasing or maintaining m
How a Healthier Microbiome Can Elevate Your Workouts
So you’ve been giving considerable thought to your max heart rate, your muscular endurance, and your macros. But one thing you might not have given much thought is your microbiome — specifically, how it can help or hinde
Diet Desserts: Healthier Recipes For Weight Loss Success
Many people think weight loss diets mean cutting out desserts completely. However, the key is making smarter choices about what, how often, and how much you eat. While there’s no such thing as a zero-calorie, zero-fat diet
Do Sit Ups Help You Lose Weight? Myths And Facts Explained
People often think of sit-ups as a quick fix for weight loss, particularly for those looking to flatten their belly. While they are a staple in many fitness routines, the real impact of sit-ups on weight loss is widely misund
You Can Do a Muscle-Up. Here's How
Unless you’re already a trained gymnast, bar muscle-ups are one of the most challenging bodyweight movements you can attempt. In addition to requiring significant core and upper-body strength, muscle-ups demand excellent m
Recognizing Signs Of Starvation Mode For Effective Weight Loss
Calorie cutting is a common strategy in the quest for weight loss. Yet, there is a fine line between effective calorie reduction and pushing your body into starvation mode. It is a state that can hamper your fitness goals and
5 Ways to Use Caffeine for Maximum Performance
Whether you want to take a HIIT class to the next level or increase your stamina on a run, all walks of active people have used caffeine to enhance performance. Some caffeine effects include helping boost energy and increase
Does Pre-Workout Break a Fast?
If you’re following an intermittent fasting diet, you may wonder, “Does pre-workout break a fast?” Let’s find out. One of the benefits of intermittent fasting is simplicity. You don’t count anything: no calories, ca